There are 3 banks in Omaruru. Standard Bank, First National Bank and Bank Windhoek.
If you still need a personal bank contact, our recommendation is Bank Windhoek, because you can open a permanent account here without a residence status.
You should open a bank account in Namibia on your next trip so that you can save an investment sum, so to speak, even if you only use it as a trip.
All you need is
- Passport
- Certificate of residence in English
- Proof of income (pay slip, employment contract, pension certificate) from your home country in English
Issuing of what feels like 20 forms and signatures at the Bank Windhoek headquarters at Maerua Mall takes about 1 hour.
An app is downloaded onto the smartphone. You create a PIN.
If, for example, you pay 100 euros in cash into the account on site when you create the account, you can immediately access the N$ amount on the app.
Creating the bank card takes a week.
Maureen Gontes (English speaking) is currently responsible at Bank Windhoek. But she answers very slowly. Call every now and then.
Centaurus Road, Shop 36 Maerua Mall Centre, Windhoek
PO Box 97295, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264 61 299 0219
Fax: +264 61 299 0227
If you email her the documents listed above in advance, the forms will already be largely prepared by the time of the meeting.
Bank Windhoek branch OMARURU
The contact person here is Robert Hugo
If you want to open the account remotely, the way is as follows:
You must find a public notary in your area and provide the bank with the following information:
- Name
- Email address
- Contact details and so on
- Certification that he/she is actually a notary
- Copy of certified ID card/passport
The bank sends the documents to the notary, which you sign close to home, and sends the originals by courier to the bank before the account can be opened.
Business rules for non-resident accounts
- The deposit must be paid in foreign currency. This means you cannot transfer Namibian dollars to it. When the amount is received, it will be credited to the account in N$ at a poor conversion rate (banks!). All deposits are documented for this purpose. These can then be credited later as the investment amount. As of June 2022
- These customers are not allowed to earn a salary in Namibia
- Accounts may not be overdrawn
- Blue Visa Electron card (comparable to an EC card)
- Internet banking for viewing purposes only
Services not possible on/from a non-resident account
- Mobile phone banking
- Internet banking for all transactions
- Silver and gold debit cards
- Stop orders
After you have a residence status in Namibia, the accounts are activated for all possible bank transactions.
In times of internet banking, every bank is of course open to you.
To get a rough overview of exchange rates we use OANDA.